Jeramy Albert BA '19

Jeramy Albert

Extracurriculars: Baseball
Megan Ayers BA '19

Megan Ayers

Overseas Program: Paris, France
Extracurriculars: Physics Club, SQRC tutor
Blythe Ballesteros BA '20

Blythe Ballesteros

Hometown: Mililani, Hawai‘i
Extracurriculars: Volleyball, Hawai‘i Club
Liam Beveridge BA '20

Liam Beveridge

Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Overseas Program: Software Developer & Technical Support Agent
Drew Blauth BA '23

Drew Blauth

Hometown: Redlands, California
Extracurriculars: Tutoring/TA, research, piano
Dimetrius Nano Casares BA '18, MEd '19

Dimetrius (Nano) Casares

Extracurriculars: Ceramics
Sebastian posing outside. He is wearing a blue polo shirt and blue jeans.

Sebastian DePrez

Hometown: Upland, California
Extracurriculars: Men’s Basketball Team, Resident Advisor
Julian Diaz BA '24

Julian Diaz

Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Overseas Program: Planning on going to Fukuoka, Japan
Carlos, smiling, while wearing a brown t-shirt and leaning against a concrete ledge.

Carlos García Morán

Hometown: Madrid, Spain
Extracurriculars: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Chess Club
Ben Glick BA '20

Ben Glick

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Extracurriculars: Association for Computing Machinery, fire arts
Jordan Gonzalez BA '21

Jordan Gonzalez

Hometown: Chandler, Arizona
Extracurriculars: Baseball
Portrait of Sema Hasan.

Sema Hasan

Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Extracurriculars: Editor of LC Journal for Social Justice, Cochair for Middle East and North African Studies Symposium, SAAB Tutor (Mathematics), SAAB Representative (International Affairs)
Justin smiling at the camera, wearing a black and red striped shirt.

Justin Howerton

Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee
Extracurriculars: The Palatine Hill Review, The Mossy Log, ACM
Kenan Imamovic BA '25

Kenan Imamovic

Hometown: Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Extracurriculars: International Students of Lewis & Clark Government, Student Philanthropy Council
Christopher wearing a dark suit with a tie.

Christopher Karagiannis

Hometown: Athens, Greece
Extracurriculars: Board Game Club
Nabil Khan '21

Nabil Khan

Hometown: Kandahar, Afghanistan
Extracurriculars: Track and Field, Soccer
William, sitting on the ground in front of the Manor House, smiling and wearing a blue plaid collared shirt with a blue t-shirt and jeans.

William Lew

Hometown: San Ramon, California
Overseas Program: Osaka, Japan
Hanna smiling at the camera wearing a navy blue top and a bright blue cardigan.

Hanna Lyubinina

Hometown: Concord, California
Overseas Program: London Psychology Program, 2017
Extracurriculars: Capella Nova Choir, Admissions Tour Guide, Winterim, Psychology Club (President), Third Culture Kid (TCK) Board (President), Student Academic Affairs Board (SAAB) Psychology Department Representative, International Fair Planning Committee, Math Club, Computer Science Club, Russian Club, Dr. Zimbardo’s Heroic Imagination Project
Ross posing outside on a bridge over water, wearing a black shirt and black jacket.

Ross Miyabuchi

Hometown: Maui, Hawai’i
Extracurriculars: Board Game Club, Hawai’i Club
KJ MoChroi BA '18

KJ MoChroi

Extracurriculars: Math Club
Sam smiling, wearing a green baseball hat and dark denim jacket.

Sam Peers Nitzberg

Hometown: Maplewood, New Jersey
Shvetank Prakash BA '20

Shvetank Prakash

Hometown: Tualatin, Oregon
Extracurriculars: Basketball
Sean Richardson '20

Sean Richardson

Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Extracurriculars: Cross Country, Track and Field
Anna Schall '20

Anna Schall

Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee
Overseas Program: Budapest, Hungary
Extracurriculars: Pioneer Log
Adam Schwarz BA '23

Adam Schwarz

Hometown: Daly City, California
Extracurriculars: Fire Arts Club
Jacob Serafini BA '21

Jacob Serafini

Hometown: Vista, California
Extracurriculars: Baseball
Kepa, standing on a beach, holding a guitar and looking toward the sand. Student-supplied profile photo due to COVID-19. Thank you, Kepa!

Kepa Seward

Hometown: Honolulu, Hawai’i
Overseas Program: India
Katie smiling outside wearing a black L&C volleyball shirt.

Katie Shimaura

Hometown: Mililani, Hawai‘i
Extracurriculars: Volleyball team, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee President, Hawai‘i Club Cochair
Syrah smiling at the camera. She is wearing a black long sleeve top.

Syrah Starnes

Hometown: Corvallis, Oregon
Overseas Program: Berlin, fall 2019
Extracurriculars: Varsity track and field, Student Athletic Advisory Committee
Nick Tan '19

Nick Tan

Hometown: Selagor, Malaysia
Extracurriculars: IT Field Technician Assistant, Resident Advisor, International Students of Lewis & Clark (ISLC) Chair of Finance, Student Alumni Association Ambassador
Terin giving a thumbs up while standing next to a person in a Donald Duck costume.

Terin Trachtenberg

Hometown: Lincoln City, Oregon
Extracurriculars: Queer Student Union organizer
Natalie, wearing a black and floral print buttoned shirt with a white t-shirt, smiling while standing in front of Watzek Library on a sun...

Natalie Zoz

Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska
Overseas Program: Taiwan
Extracurriculars: Adoptee Club, Great Expectations Mentor