Jeramy Albert BA '19

Jeramy Albert

Extracurriculars: Baseball
Megan Ayers BA '19

Megan Ayers

Overseas Program: Paris, France
Extracurriculars: Physics Club, SQRC tutor
Ben Glick BA '20

Ben Glick

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Extracurriculars: Association for Computing Machinery, fire arts
Photo of Ben in front of a wall covered in art. Ben is smiling in a gray t-shirt.

Ben Kolligs

Hometown: Berkeley, California
Extracurriculars: Serious Club, Bates Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership
KJ MoChroi BA '18

KJ MoChroi

Extracurriculars: Math Club
Sean Richardson '20

Sean Richardson

Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Extracurriculars: Cross Country, Track and Field