National Awards

Lewis & Clark has produced many winners for these competitive awards. Click on each award to see our past scholars and further details on the awards themselves! 

All-USA College Academic Team (USA Today)

Blakemore Foundation Language Grant

Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs

Council on International Education Exchange Student of the Year

Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellowship

Ford Foundation Fellowship

J. William Fulbright Grants

Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship

Glamour magazine Top-Ten College Women in the Nation

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral Fellowship in Biomedical Sciences

Japan Foundation Fellowship

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators

James Madison Fellowships

John Marshall Fellowships

Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships

Mountbatten Programme

National Endowment for the Humanities Younger Scholar Award

NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship

National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships

Oregon Consular Corps

Phi Kappa Phi

Pisacano Scholarship from the Nicholas J. Pisacano, MD, Memorial Foundation

Rhodes Scholarship

Rotary International Recreational and Vocational Fellowship

Harry S. Truman Scholarships

Morris K. Udall Scholarship

Woodrow Wilson Fellowship

Woodrow Wilson-Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowship

To learn more about Academic Awards & Fellowships, please contact:

David Campion, Fellowships Advisor,



Many thanks to Simone Wren ”˜10 for her contribution to this website!