New Student Orientation will introduce you to the campus environment, provide opportunities for you to meet your classmates as well as faculty and staff, and equip you with the tools and resources necessary for a successful college career. Our hope is that you will attend each program and take advantage of all of the social opportunities!
Events marked with the shield in the description are mandatory.
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday MondayTuesday and Beyond
Wednesday, August 28
7–9 a.m.
Fowler Student Center, Fields Dining Room
Breakfast is served for New Student Trip participants only. NSO meal taps will begin with lunch for all other new students.
8 a.m.–2 p.m.
Roberts Hall, Maggie’s Plaza
Receive your welcome packet and orientation t-shirt. Proceed to your residence hall to get your room key and student ID card.
Note: If you are not living on campus, you should check in for NSO by 2 p.m.
Akin Hall; Campus Living Office for Holmes or Hartzfeld Halls; Copeland Hall; Platt Hall; Tamarack for Forest Halls
After checking in for NSO, head to your residence hall area check-in table to receive your room key and student ID card.
Campus Safety and Information, Near Gate 3
If you did not submit an ID card photo over the summer or your ID card was not available when you checked in at your residence hall, please go to the Office of Campus Safety to create your student ID card. After creation of your ID card, please bring it to the Bon Appétit Office on the second floor of Fowler Student Center for meal plan activation.
Fowler Student Center, Fields Dining Room Foyer
Have questions, need help, or want a free cup of coffee? Our new student peer mentors are ready to assist! Just stop by our info table.
8:30 a.m.–2 p.m.
Behind McAfee, Follow Signs
If you mailed any packages to campus, please collect them at the white pop-up tent in the parking lot near Platt Hall and McAfee. You will be responsible for taking your packages back to your room. Cars will be allowed to pull up near the loading zone to assist with package collection.
9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, Fields Dining Room Foyer
Drop by and learn about Awakened Awareness wellness workshops, dedicated meditation and prayer spaces, religious accommodations in the classroom and residence halls, student religious organizations, upcoming holidays, and more. Hilary Martin Himan, chaplain and director of Spiritual Life, and Hillel staff affiliates will be on hand to answer any questions.
9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, Heidi Hu Media Lounge, Room 355
Meet with banks and make an account! They will be on campus today only.
Miller Center for the Humanities, Keck Interactive Learning Center
Students who have not taken their Spanish placement exam or those who need to confirm their 202+ placement exam scores can do so today. Exams begin on the hour (the last exam begins at 1 p.m.). If you have a laptop, please bring it with you. If you cannot make these times or have questions, contact Blair Orfall at
Note: If you have not studied the language at all, you do not need to take this exam and will register for the 101 course level.
9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, Bookstore
Stop by for prize drawings, giveaways, and discounts for our VIP incoming class!
Fowler Student Center
Staff will be available to answer any questions you or your parents/guardians have about your financial aid.
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, Palatine Support Network (PSN) Office, Room 248
First-Year Experience will host a decompression space in PSN’s meeting room throughout all of NSO. Our intention for this space is to provide a quiet, low-stimulation environment for new students and peer mentors so you can ground yourself and take a pause from orientation programming. We recognize that there are a variety of factors that may add to feelings of stress and anxiety during this first week on campus, and we want to support all students through their transition. Please read these expectations for using the space.
10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, Beth Miller Lounge (near Council Chamber)
Take a guided tour around campus, and get familiar with your new home!
10–11 a.m.
Fowler Student Center, IME Office
All students are welcome to attend IME’s open house, where you can learn more about our office and meet our staff. IME supports all students while centering the experience of students of color, first-generation students, and LGBTQ+ students. You can also learn more about and sign up for our Great Expectations Mentorship (GEM) program!
10 a.m.–noon
Fowler Student Center
Stop by to connect with a student account specialist and ensure your account is settled.
Watzek Library
Chat with library staff, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy a self-guided tour.
Watzek Library, IT Service Desk
While you tour the library, don’t forget to check out the bottom floor of Watzek and explore all of IT’s student spaces. Stop by the Resource Lab to learn about specialty and 3D printing on campus. Then follow the blue dots down to the IT Service Desk, where you can see some of the amazing equipment you can rent for FREE!
Sustainability Office, Fowler Student Center, Room 263
Please stop by the Sustainability Office while you are exploring your new home to hear about our programs including campus initiatives, jobs opportunities, courses and the ReUse Room. We look forward to seeing you then!
11 a.m.–noon
Albany Quadrangle, Room 206
Stop by the Office of Student Accessibility to say hi, meet the staff, and ask any questions you might have about disability accommodations at Lewis & Clark.
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, Fields Dining Room
Grab your food in Fields. You are welcome to bring your meal to Stamm Dining Room or the Trail Room Café to dine.
Noon–1 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, IME Office
This event is hosted by the Office of Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement (IME).
All are welcome to come learn about our first-generation programming. L&C considers students to be first-generation if neither parent (or guardian) has earned a bachelor’s degree. At IME, we encourage anyone who thinks that they will benefit from our first-generation programming to get involved.
1–1:45 p.m.
Pamplin Sports Center, Zehntbauer Swim Pavilion
Tour our athletic and recreation facilities. Meet your tour guide outside the Zehntbauer Swim Pavilion, which is just to the right of the Pamplin main entrance.
1–2 p.m.
Albany Quadrangle, Room 206
2:30–3:30 p.m.
Griswold Stadium
Join us for a powerful and inspiring welcome as you join the Lewis & Clark community. The event will commence with a land acknowledgment by esteemed community member and local photographer Joe Cantrell. You will also hear from campus leaders, including the president, the vice president for student life, the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the dedicated First-Year Experience team.
3:30–4:15 p.m.
The Glade (North of Frank Manor House)
Take part in a Lewis & Clark tradition with your peers! Every NSO, members of the incoming class spell out “LC” on the Glade below the Frank Manor House.
4:15–5 p.m.
The Glade
After the LC on the Glade photo, look for your new student peer mentor. They will be lined up with signs that have their first-year group name written on them. (Refer to the email from your peer mentor for your group name.)
Note: All new students (first-years and transfers) are placed in a first-year group.
5–6 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, Fields Dining Room and Stamm Dining Room
Required for first-year students
Get to know your New Student Peer Mentor and the other students in your group while eating your first dinner on campus.
Gregg Pavilion
Required for transfer students
Meet with staff, faculty, other transfer students, and a current transfer student panel to discuss the L&C experience, academic credits, and the many resources available to you on campus.
6:30–7:30 p.m.
Roots Groups—Agnes Flanagan Chapel
Wings Groups—Evans Auditorium
We want to support you in making the most out of your college experience, from academic growth to stepping out of your comfort zone to developing new friendships. Research shows finding your community is essential to long-term academic and social success. Yes, college can be difficult, but that does not mean you have to do it alone! Join the Offices of Equity and Inclusion, Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement, Spiritual Life, Campus Living, and First-Year Experience to learn about finding and creating your community.
8–8:30 p.m.
Stewart, Odell, Akin (SOA)—Trail Room Café
Holmes, Hartzfeld, Apartments (HHA)—Holmes, Second Floor Lounge
Copeland—Evans Music Center
Platt-Howard—Gregg Pavilion
Forest—Agnes Flanagan Chapel
Required for students who live on campus
Join your residence hall peers for a welcome event. Get to know your area director and residence advisors (RA), and learn what it means to live on campus. After your welcome, you will follow your RA back to your floor to meet your hallmates.
Fowler Student Center, Meeting Room 353
Required for commuter students
Meet other commuter students, and learn more about campus life.
8:45–9:30 p.m.
Residence Hall Lounges
Required for students who live on campus
Get to know the place you’ll be living and the people you will live with.
9:30–11 p.m.
Graduate Campus
Enjoy the warm summer evening with your new friends, RAs, and peer mentors. Bring a blanket and good vibes.
Thursday, August 29
7–9 a.m.
Fowler Student Center, Fields Dining Room
8–9 a.m.
Miller 105
Attend this session if you are interested in science, math, computer science, pre-health, or environmental studies. Faculty members will be on hand to answer questions and offer advice about course choices.
8:30–8:50 a.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
9–9:50 a.m.
Evans Music Center, Auditorium
Learn what it means to receive a liberal arts education, meet key academic administrators, and hear about academic resources available to you on campus.
J.R. Howard Academic Quad
Meet faculty members from various academic departments. Ask questions and learn more about course offerings and major/minor options.
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, PSN Office, Room 248
10–10:50 a.m.
Evans Music Center, Auditorium
Learn what it means to receive a liberal arts education, meet key academic administrators, and hear about academic resources available to you on campus.
J.R. Howard Academic Quad
Meet faculty members from various academic departments. Ask questions and learn more about course offerings and major/minor options.
10 a.m.–noon
Albany Quadrangle, Room 206
11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Miller Center for the Humanities, Room 317
If you have been placed into Chinese 202 or higher based on your language exam and have not yet confirmed your placement through an interview with a professor or proctored exam, you must confirm your placement today.
Note: If you have not studied the language at all, you will register for the 101 course level.
11:20 a.m.–2:20 p.m.
Your advisor assignment and location will be sent to your email on Wednesday night.
During this session, you will meet your faculty advisor for the first time. Bring a copy of your fall course schedule.
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Fields Dining Room
12:15–2:45 p.m.
Your advisor assignment and location will be sent to your email on Wednesday night.
During this session, you will meet your faculty advisor for the first time. Bring a copy of your fall course schedule.
1–2 p.m.
Albany Quadrangle, Room 206
2:45 p.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
3–4 p.m.
Griswold Stadium
This year’s Common Reading (which was sent to your email at the beginning of August) underscores the vital role of the liberal arts in fostering a thriving society. Hear from faculty and alumni who will share their insights on the importance of engaging with diverse perspectives and building community.
4:15–5 p.m.
J.R. Howard Hall and Miller Center for the Humanities
Join your first-year group for a thought-provoking discussion on the transformative power of a liberal arts education. This is a chance to dialogue around the ways in which the liberal arts can help you connect with others, bridge divides, and create a more inclusive world.
Note: Your classroom assignment will be sent to your email.
5–7 p.m.
Fields Dining Room
After the Common Reading discussion, meet up with your family, friends, or peer mentor for dinner while enjoying music from an incredible student band, PickPocket! Dinner will be served out of Fields Dining Room, but everyone is welcome to dine in Stamm Dining Room, the Stewart Odell Akin (SOA) Lawn, the Trail Room Café, or anywhere across campus.
6:30–7 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
7:30–8:30 p.m.
Evans Music Center, Auditorium
As the 2024 Native Scholar-Artist in Residence, Anthony Hudson/Carla Rossi (Grand Ronde/Siletz) will perform a special college edition of Ask Dr. Carla, an evening of drag clown improvisational advice prompted by questions posed by new students.
J.R. Howard Hall and Miller Center for the Humanities
Take part in these special NSO traditions! New student stones will be dropped at our NSO rock circle outside of Fowler Student Center, and letters will be returned to new students by their peer mentor at the end of fall semester. All materials will be provided.
Note: Your classroom assignment will be sent to your email.
8:45–9:45 p.m.
Evans Music Center, Auditorium
As the 2024 Native Scholar-Artist in Residence, Anthony Hudson/Carla Rossi (Grand Ronde/Siletz) will perform a special college edition of Ask Dr. Carla, an evening of drag clown improvisational advice prompted by questions posed by new students.
J.R. Howard Hall and Miller Center for the Humanities
Take part in these special NSO traditions! New student stones will be dropped at our NSO rock circle outside of Fowler Student Center, and letters will be returned to new students by their peer mentor at the end of fall semester. All materials will be provided.
Note: Your classroom assignment will be sent to your email.
9:45–11 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, Trail Room
Join us for Trail Room Thursdays, hosted by the Campus Activity Board (CAB)! Get ready for a fun-filled evening of Song Bingo and Lewis & Clark trivia. Test your knowledge, enjoy some great tunes, and compete for awesome prizes! Don’t miss out on this exciting weekly event in the heart of campus.
Friday, August 30
7–9 a.m.
Fields Dining Room
8:30 a.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
9–10:30 a.m.
Miller Center for the Humanities
Content note: These workshops discuss healthy relationships, sexuality, and resources on and off campus for survivors of violence. Topics related to sexual assault and dating violence are discussed. If you have a concern about this content being triggering to your mental health and wellness, we have an alternate option for you. Please email if this is the case.
9–11:30 a.m.
Agnes Flanagan Chapel
What are your rights as a student? What responsibilities do you have as a member of the Lewis & Clark community? How can you keep yourself and others healthy and safe while living and learning on campus? Hear from our experts in Community Accountability and Conflict Education, Campus Safety, Emergency Management, the Office of Sustainability, the Student Health Center, the Student Counseling Center, and the Office for Health Promotion and Wellness. This session will equip you with the knowledge and resources to make the most of your college experience.
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, PSN Office, Room 248
9:15 a.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
9:30–10:30 a.m.
Various locations
Get a head start on your college journey. Your new student peer mentor will guide you through your classroom locations before the first day of classes. This personalized tour is designed to help first-year students familiarize themselves with the campus layout, discover key academic buildings, and feel more confident navigating their new environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet fellow first-year students in your classes, ask questions about locations, and ensure a smooth first day of classes.
10:45 a.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
10:45–11:45 a.m.
Various Locations
Get a head start on your college journey. Your new student peer mentor will guide you through your classroom locations before the first day of classes. This personalized tour is designed to help first-year students familiarize themselves with the campus layout, discover key academic buildings, and feel more confident navigating their new environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet fellow first-year students in your classes, ask questions about locations, and ensure a smooth first day of classes.
10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Miller Center for the Humanities
Content note: These workshops discuss healthy relationships, sexuality, and resources on and off campus for survivors of violence. Topics related to sexual assault and dating violence are discussed. If you have a concern about this content being triggering to your mental health and wellness, we have an alternate option for you. Please email if this is the case.
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Fields Dining Room
Noon–12:45 p.m.
Gregg Pavilion
Should you wish to attend Jumm’ah off campus, the Center for Spiritual Life will pay for a ride to the masjid. Masjid As-Saber hosts prayer at 1:30. The Muslim Educational Trust hosts Khutbah at 12:50 pm and prayer at 1:20. Please contact Director of Spiritual Life Hilary Martin Himan at or text 503-502-9009 before Friday morning for arrangements. Questions or want to get on the MSA listserv? Contact MSA
1:15 p.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
1:30–3 p.m.
Miller Center for the Humanities
Content note: These workshops discuss healthy relationships, sexuality, and resources on and off campus for survivors of violence. Topics related to sexual assault and dating violence are discussed. If you have a concern about this content being triggering to your mental health and wellness, we have an alternate option for you. Please email if this is the case.
1:30–4 p.m.
Agnes Flanagan Chapel
What are your rights as a student? What responsibilities do you have as a member of the Lewis & Clark community? How can you keep yourself and others healthy and safe while living and learning on campus? Hear from our experts in Community Accountability and Conflict Education, Campus Safety, Emergency Management, the Office of Sustainability, the Student Health Center, the Student Counseling Center, and the Office for Health Promotion and Wellness. This session will equip you with the knowledge and resources to make the most of your college experience.
1:45 p.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
2–3 p.m.
Various locations
Get a head start on your college journey. Your new student peer mentor will guide you through your classroom locations before the first day of classes. This personalized tour is designed to help first-year students familiarize themselves with the campus layout, discover key academic buildings, and feel more confident navigating their new environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet fellow first-year students in your classes, ask questions about locations, and ensure a smooth first day of classes.
3:15–4:15 p.m.
Various locations
Get a head start on your college journey. Your new student peer mentor will guide you through your classroom locations before the first day of classes. This personalized tour is designed to help first-year students familiarize themselves with the campus layout, discover key academic buildings, and feel more confident navigating their new environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet fellow first-year students in your classes, ask questions about locations, and ensure a smooth first day of classes.
3:15–4:45 p.m.
Miller Center for the Humanities
Content note: These workshops discuss healthy relationships, sexuality, and resources on and off campus for survivors of violence. Topics related to sexual assault and dating violence are discussed. If you have a concern about this content being triggering to your mental health and wellness, we have an alternate option for you. Please email if this is the case.
4:30–6:30 p.m.
Fields Dining Room
6–7 p.m.
Forest Complex, Rosengard Community Garden
Join Garden Club and SEED (Students Engaged in Eco Defense) for lawn games, music, painting, and bees! If you’re interested in gardening and/or environmental action, we would love for you to come and join us!
Fowler Student Center, Council Chamber
Do you ever wish you could fly away and escape the crushing weight of responsibility? Or maybe you want to be more grounded in your new college life? Come live out your fantasies in a land of hijinks and escapades, otherwise known as the NSO Improv Show, with your one-and-only Serious Club!
6:30–7:30 p.m.
Alumni Rock Circle (between Miller Center and the Great Plat Lawn)
Join Lewis & Clark Hillel and the Jewish community on campus for our first Shabbat of the year! Meet new and returning students, learn about all that Hillel has to offer throughout the year, and celebrate your first Shabbat on campus with this special community. We will have a short, student-led Shabbat service, challah and other snacks, and plenty of schmoozing and getting to know one another. For any questions, reach out to or We can’t wait to see you there!
7:30–8:30 p.m.
Roberts Hall, Maggie’s Plaza
Join Dr. Evette Castillo Clark, vice president for student life and dean of students, and enjoy complimentary tasty treats and fun activities. Associated Student Body (ASB) representatives will also be attending the event to help out and talk to new students. We look forward to seeing you there!
9–11 p.m.
Pacman Lawn (next to Tamarack)
Get your groove on with fellow new students and peer mentors! Headsets will be provided.
Saturday, August 31
7–8 a.m.
Fields Dining Room
8 a.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
8 a.m.–1 p.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
Note: This service project includes light, manual labor (e.g. picking up trash). An alternative service project is available for those whose accommodations don’t allow for participation.
- 8 a.m. Meet at your FYG location
- 8:30 a.m. Board buses with FYG
- 9 a.m. Arrive at site
- 10 a.m. Service Projects begin
- Noon Group Reflection + Survey
- 12:30 p.m. Head back to L&C
- 1 p.m. Arrive back on campus
Stamm Dining Room
This alternative Service Day is for students whose accommodations won’t allow for participation in the project off campus.
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, PSN Office, Room 248
1–2:30 p.m.
Fields Dining Room
4:30–6:30 p.m.
Fields Dining Room
5–6:30 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, IME Office
IME focuses its work on supporting new first-year and transfer students who identify as a student of color and/or a first-generation college student, which is defined as neither parent (or guardian) has earned a bachelor’s degree in the U.S. Come mix and mingle with the IME team and other students from similar backgrounds. This is an informal dinner, so please stop by if you can and say hello! All are welcome!
7–8:30 p.m.
Evans Music Center
Join us for NSO’s fourth annual Gagged PDX drag show! Bring your dollars and Venmos, and follow Gagged on Instagram: @Gagged_PDX. Doors for seating open at 7 p.m. We will admit new students first. Beginning at 7:20 p.m., we will admit returning students, as seating allows.
8:30–11 p.m.
Smith Hall
Celebrate the first weekend of life at Lewis & Clark hosted by Black Student Union, Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement, and First-Year Experience. Open to everyone!
Sunday, September 1
9–10:30 a.m.
Meet in front of the Campus Safety office.
In Japan, shinrin-yoku is a mindfulness practice in which people immerse themselves in the sounds of nature. Shinrin means forest, and yoku means bath. Come join others from your class and Director of Spiritual Life and Chaplain Hilary Martin Himan in this mindfulness practice to destress, be present, and experience awe and wonder in your new neighborhood. Whether you have a spiritual or religious practice or not, forest bathing is accessible to all. Please bring a water bottle and wear comfortable shoes.
9 a.m.–noon
Should you wish to explore worshiping with a local Portland-area faith or spiritual community, the Center for Spiritual Life will pay for a one-time ride during NSO. Please contact Hilary Martin Himan, or text 503-502-9009 by Saturday evening at 5 p.m. for arrangements and for assistance in connecting you to a community of your choice. The Center for Spiritual Life can also assist in connecting you with Trimet public transit or with Zipcar for future ongoing connections.
Note: minor mealtime conflicts
10:30 a.m.–noon
Fowler Student Center, Fields Dining Room Foyer
Come get registered to vote! Learn more about civic engagement on campus, voting out of state, and much more.
10:45 a.m.–noon
Gregg Pavilion
Gather with Christian-identified students. All Christians of various theological and denominational backgrounds are welcome to this prayer time and intention setting for the new academic year led by Rev. Hilary Martin Himan, chaplain and director of spiritual life. Using our creativity, we will have some time for private reflection with a collage project, as well as some time for sharing prayer requests (joys and concerns) in a larger group. A list of on-campus resources and student organizations will be provided, and Hilary can also help you find a faith community in the area if you are looking to go off campus. All are welcome to enjoy brunch together following this gathering. Snacks provided.
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Fields Dining Room
1 p.m.
Meet at your assigned location.
1–3 p.m.
Fowler Student Center—Trail Room, Heidi Hu Media Lounge, Stamm Dining Room, and SOA Lawn
Unwind and socialize with your fellow classmates at our afternoon fun fest! Enjoy a variety of activities to suit your mood. Dice into the world of video games in Hu Media Lounge, Challenge your friends to a board game showdown in the Trail Room, or enjoy some fresh air fun on the SOA lawn. Whatever you choose, it’s a perfect opportunity to relax, make new friends, and get to know your campus community!
The LC Gaming Society will be hosting a Board Game Afternoon for all incoming students! Come by to play from any of the 100+ games in the organization library and learn how to play some of the club favorites from the past year! All skill and interest levels are welcome and you are encouraged to bring your own games too!
Our collection of games can be found on the following link:
4–6 p.m.
Great Plat Lawn
Do you want to build community, throw plastic, and have fun outside? Join Artemis and Bacchus, the two Ultimate Frisbee teams on campus, for the first Bacchartemis event of the year: The NSO Game! Come meet the teams, make new friends, ask all your questions, and play Ultimate! Both teams are open to people of all genders and all levels of experience. We’ll be there early to throw and hang out on the big lawn by the Reflecting Pool. We’re genuinely so excited to see you there!
4:30–6:30 p.m.
Fields Dining Room
6–7:30 p.m.
Fowler Student Center, Beth Miller Lounge
Interested in running for the student senate or joining cabinet committees? Stop by to learn more, speak with current student leaders, and enjoy ice cream and popsicles. If you care about institutional change, being in the know, leadership, events, community building, and getting to work with other student leaders and L&C administrators, then check out ASB. Our student government oversees club funding allocation, school-wide fun events, social justice initiatives, and more. We’re so excited to meet you!
7–9 p.m.
Tamarack, The Coop
Join the Coop team for a night of music and community at our first open mic night of the semester! Sign-ups will be posted at the door about 30 minutes before the event starts. Bring a favorite song, poem, silly story, or any other kind of art to share. We encourage all kinds of acts at our open mics!
8–9 p.m.
Roberts Hall, Maggie’s Plaza
Join Fire Arts for an evening of music and glow-in-the-dark performances!
9–11 p.m.
Fields Dining Hall
Join Bon Appetit to celebrate the start of a new school year with a late night breakfast. There will be pancakes and eggs and lots of school spirit!
Monday, September 2
11 a.m.–7 p.m. (specific times listed in each event)
Tamarack Patio, 1 pm
Join Forest Hall on the Tamarack patio to build your own bag of snack mix with the Forest RA team.
Platt Main Lounge, 3 pm - 5 pm
Join Platt-Howard Halls for a birthday party to celebrate anyone and everyone who had a birthday over the summer. There will be crafts, games, giveaways, and LOADS of snacks!
SOA Lawn, 3 pm - 5 pm
Join us for an afternoon of carnival-themed activities outside of SOA! We’ll have lawn games, a popcorn machine, bracelet-making, and more!
Copeland—Main Lounge, Front Courtyard, and Backyard, 3:30 pm
Join us for yard games, water balloons, friendship bracelet making Just Dance, and arcade games!
Holmes Second Floor Lounge, 2 pm
The HHA staff invites you to join them for an exciting tournament of Rock-Paper-Scissors!
7:30–8:30 p.m.
Residence Hall Lounges
Join your RA and hallmates for your first hall meeting. Get to know who you will live next to, what a year in the hall looks like, and what events will be happening throughout the year.
Tuesday, September 3 and Beyond
View this page for a schedule of fun activities during your first week of classes!
J.R. Howard Academic Quad
Kick off the academic year at the 19th annual Student Engagement Extravaganza (SEE) Fair on Friday, September 6, from 3–5 p.m. Meet student leaders from L&C’s 130+ recognized student organizations, as well as many departments and offices to learn about what they have planned for the year and how you can get involved.
First-Year Experience is located in room 107 of Fowler Student Center on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 155
voice 503-768-7191
Director of First-Year Experience
Jonathan Manz
First-Year Experience Coordinator
Melanie McManamon
First-Year Experience
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219