Search and Seizure Policy
If Campus Safety officers have reason to believe that campus policies/procedures or public laws are being violated by a campus community member on campus, and that evidence of those violations is on the person, inside personal containers (including, but not limited to, backpacks and purses) or vehicle/s, Campus Safety officers have the right to search the individuals and may require the possessor to display the contents of those containers or vehicle/s. Campus Safety officers may take whatever reasonable steps are deemed necessary to prevent the destruction or removal of such evidence from the area.
Community Accountability and Conflict Education is located in Odell Annex on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 113
voice 503-768-8181
Assistant Dean of Campus Life and Student Rights and Responsibilities
Jessica Caron, MEd
Community Accountability and Conflict Education
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219