Alcohol Policy


Lewis & Clark College considers the health and safety of community members to be a core priority.  We foster learning environments that promote civic leadership. To promote the engagement and wellness of our community, and in accordance with both federal and state laws, the College establishes the following policy on alcohol. 

The College has established an alcohol awareness program to inform members of the College community about: the dangers of alcohol abuse, the College policies on alcohol, available alcohol counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and the penalties that may be imposed for violations of this policy.  

The College encourages persons who abuse alcohol or who experience the associated risks of alcohol use to seek appropriate assistance.  To that end, Lewis & Clark establishes a related Medical Amnesty Policy which should be read jointly with this policy.


  • Private Space: A residence hall room. This includes living room and kitchen spaces in on-campus apartments.
  • Public Space: Any location on campus other than a residence hall room. Public Spaces include, but are not limited to, common areas such as hallways, kitchens, lounges, bathrooms, and study rooms in residential facilities; offices, classrooms, buildings, athletic facilities, grounds, and vehicles.
  • Visible Intoxication: Observable behaviors related to the effects of alcohol intoxication.  These may include, but are not limited to, aggressive and/or violent behavior, reckless behaviors which may risk harm to oneself or others, loss of balance, vomiting, impaired speech, loss of motor skills, smelling of alcohol.
  • Common Source Containers: (1): Any receptacle containing alcohol that does not have a reliable indication of the contents, or (2): any receptacle containing alcohol to which an indeterminate number of people have access. Common Source Containers of alcohol include, but are not limited to, kegs and vats.
  • Open Container: Any bottle, can, or other receptaclethat contains any amount of alcohol that is open or has a broken seal, or the contents of which are partially removed. 

Prohibited Conduct

  1. The College prohibits the unlawful use, abuse, sale, purchase, transfer, possession, manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of alcohol on College property or as part of any College activity.
  2. Persons under the age of 21 are prohibited from possessing, consuming, or being under the influence of alcohol.  
  3. Providing alcohol to any person who is under the age of 21 is prohibited.
  4. Persons under the age of 21 are prohibited from possessing empty alcohol receptacles (e.g. liquor bottles, beer cans, etc).
  5. Visible Intoxication at any age is prohibited. 
  6. Intoxication to the point of incapacitation at any age is prohibited.
  7. Providing alcohol to any person who is Visibly Intoxicated is prohibited.
  8. Persons under the age of 21 are prohibited from hosting events involving alcohol.
  9. Open Containers may only be visible in Private Spaces.
  10. Hosting events where a violation of this policy is occurring is prohibited.
  11. Consumption of alcohol in Public Spaces is prohibited, except as pre-authorized in coordination with the Office of Conferences and Events.
  12. Common Source Containers are prohibited, except as pre-authorized in coordination with the Office of Conferences and Events.
  13. Persons employed by the College in any capacity will carry out their duties free from the influence of alcohol.
  14. Possession or utilization of a device or implement that is capable of facilitating the rapid consumption of alcohol, such as the devices known as “beer bongs,” is prohibited.
  15. Alcohol may not be consumed in the course of any class, laboratory, or other activity at which attendance is required as part of course or degree requirements, except when that course is specific to the restaurant, beer, wine or other related industries and alcohol tastings occur off campus.  Activities that are customary within these industries as a matter of professional training and operations do not violate this paragraph so long as such tastings are conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and other conditions of this Policy. 
  16. The public display of containers of alcohol (such as in windows) is prohibited.

Confiscation of Alcoholic Beverages

College officials may confiscate alcohol from:

  1. any person under 21 years of age.
  2. any person distributing alcohol to any person under 21 years of age.
  3. any person who cannot provide proof of legal age.
  4. any person who is distributing alcohol to any person who cannot provide proof of legal age.
  5. any person who is Visibly Intoxicated.
  6. any person who is distributing alcohol to a Visibly Intoxicated person.
  7. any person violating Lewis & Clark policies, or federal, state, or local laws,
  8. any room or event where alcohol is present in contravention of Lewis & Clark policy, or federal, state, or local law.

Confiscated alcohol will be promptly destroyed.

Last revised on August 28, 2019