Pio Points Class Competition

Pio Points class competition is an extra incentive to get your classmates to register for reunion early! Each reunion attendee earns the class points based on week of registration. For example, if somebody registers 12 weeks before reunion, they earn the class 12 points; 2 weeks before – 2 points. The class with the most points wins prizes!

Volunteers are essential to your class’ victory – encourage your classmates to register early and make a reunion gift of any size they can.

2015 RULES:

  • Points are given only for registrants who are a reunion year, or years immediately before or after a reunion year. For example, classes of 1989 and 1991 can earn points for the class of 1990.
  • Each week will start at midnight (or, 12:01 a.m.) on Monday and ends at midnight on Sunday (11:59 p.m.).
  • Points for the previous week will be tallied each week and posted online.
  • Last tally of points will be taken on Monday, June 22, and an announcement will be sent with the results.
  • Points DOUBLE if the registrant has a gift recorded at ANY time between June 1, 2014 and the day they register.
  • Registrations or gifts that are mailed in will not count if they are recorded after the final points are calculated on Monday, June 22nd, so plan accordingly.


First Place: The class with the most Pio Points will earn a bottle of alumni wine for each class member who attends the class dinner or brunch. They also get bragging rights to the Pio Point Trophy!

Second Place: The class with the second highest total of Pio Points will earn a cool Lewis & Clark tote for each class member who attends the class dinner or brunch.

Third Place: The class with the third highest total of Pio Points will earn a Lewis & Clark mug for each class member who attends the class dinner or brunch.

Pio Points (as of 6/22/15):

Year Points
1985 1363
2010 1327
1965 1213
1975 884
1990 862
1995 567
2005 500
1955 497
1970 404
2000 241
1960 199
1980 132



2014 Pio Point Winners:

1st Place   The Class of 1974
2nd Place  The Class of 1964
3rd Place   The Class of 1979