Volunteer Interest Form

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
text field
Please include city, state and zip. This helps us ensure that we have the most up-to-date contact information for you.
text field
text field
text field
Please include the best phone number to reach you at
required e-mail address field
checkbox field
Lewis & Clark college(s) graduated from:
text field
required text field
select menu field
Select all that apply. Make multiple selections by holding the control button when choosing.
text field
textarea field
radio button field
Are you on LinkedIn?
textarea field
Please list any school affiliations you had that you think may be relevant, such as student body government, clubs, athletics, etc.
radio button field
If yes, are you a member of LCNet, Lewis & Clark's online LinkedIn professional networking group?
checkbox field
What is your preferred method of contact with students?
Please check all that apply
checkbox field
I agree to be contacted by students for the following: