Dee Wolfe

Dee Wolfe BA ’68 JD ’74

Portland, Oregon

Dee Wolfe is a retired CPA who graduated from Lewis & Clark College in 1968 with a degree in sociology/anthropology. Dee received an athletic scholarship to attend L&C, where he played basketball and football. In 2006, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame for his involvement with these sports.

Upon graduation, Dee entered the army and was sent to Vietnam, where he was stationed from 1969-1970. Upon returning to the United States in 1970, Dee entered Law School at Lewis & Clark Law School. Shortly after graduating in 1974, Dee went to work as an accountant, a job he would hold until retirement.

Dee Wolfe is married to Lynn Wolfe and has two sons. He considers himself a very lucky guy to have gone to the greatest liberal arts schools in the country: Lewis & Clark College.