Linda is currently an independent consultant providing strategic expertise in international biologic and small molecule drug development, including personalized medicine. She has more than 20 years management experience in pharmaceutical regulatory affairs in large global pharmaceutical, small biotechnology companies and startups. Her business career has been based on strong problem-solving skills derived from her initial scientific training and applied to key leadership roles in the entrepreneurial world of biotechnology. Linda embarked on consulting after serving as the Global Head of Regulatory Affairs at Ignyta and Intercept Pharmaceuticals where she led the approval of Ocaliva® for treatment of a rare, life-threatening liver disease. Prior to this, she was Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance at Ambit Biosciences and Kanisa Pharmaceuticals and was responsible at Biogen IDEC for regulatory oversight of a variety of products including Rituxan for the treatment of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Linda began her career in industry at Roche Pharmaceuticals where she led the US approval of Tamiflu® for the treatment of influenza. She received a BS in Biology from Lewis & Clark College and a PhD in neurobiology from Northwestern University studying the biological basis of circadian rhythms with Dr. Joseph Takahashi followed by post-doctoral training at the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology in signal transduction and oncogenes under the tutelage of Dr. Tom Curran.
Job Title
Vincere Consulting, LLC - Principal
Type of board member
The Bates Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership is located in room 344 of J.R. Howard Hall on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 71
Chrys Hutchings
Catarina Hunter
Associate Director
The Bates Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219