October 02, 2010
Resources & Allocation Committee
The Resources and Allocation Committee administers the space, supplies, and businesses of the SBA. The R&A committee operates the SBA website, Clarks List, and the Student outlines archive and buyback program. It runs the SBA Student store, helping to design and create resources of value to the student body, such as study materials, merchandise, and clothing. Resources and Allocation is in charge of scheduling the use of the SBA conference room by student groups, as well as control of the advertising and notices on the physical bulletin boards of campus. The R & A committee, in conjunction with the Registrar’s office, also administers the end of the year faculty evaluations.
The Resources and Allocation Committee administers the space, supplies, and businesses of the SBA. The R&A committee operates the SBA website, Clarks List, and the Student outlines archive and buyback program. It runs the SBA Student store, helping to design and create resources of value to the student body, such as study materials, merchandise, and clothing. Resources and Allocation is in charge of scheduling the use of the SBA conference room by student groups, as well as control of the advertising and notices on the physical bulletin boards of campus. The R & A committee, in conjunction with the Registrar’s office, also administers the end of the year faculty evaluations.
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email sba@lclark.edu