A timber sale put on hold
A Ninth Circuit Court panel granted Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project’s (BMBP) request to keep the injunction against logging in place for the Walton Lake sale on the Ochoco National Forest
Walton Lake is located in the Ochoco Mountains in central Oregon. The lake is a popular recreation area in the Ochoco National Forest and the area is know for old growth trees, wildlife, and scenic views. Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project is represented by Earthrise and Willamette Law Group. The fight to stop the logging of the forest was initiated in 2015, and has been ongoing.
The Walton Lake sale authorizes the clear cutting of all the fir trees, which include very old firs, on approximate 35. An additional portion of acres in the would-be timber sale include 43 acres of mature and old forests, which provide the backdrop of the scenic view of the lake and provide critical habitat for wildlife. To read more about our work with BMBP click here.
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Allison LaPlante
Earthrise Law Center
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219