Masks Required at CAS Commencement
Dear CAS students, faculty, and staff,
Given the continued increase in COVID cases among CAS students, and in line with last week’s decision to require masks in many public spaces on campus, we have made the decision to require masks at this weekend’s undergraduate commencement ceremony and all indoor commencement-related social gatherings.
We do not make this decision lightly and recognize that it might create some disappointment. However, for the safety of our community—including family and friends who will be traveling to Portland to celebrate with our graduates—we feel this decision is necessary.
As a reminder, masks are required in the following campus spaces:
All dining facilities, unless you are actively eating or drinking (takeout is available from Fields if you prefer not to eat in a common area.)
Common areas of residence halls
CAS classrooms, including during final exams
Watzek Library
Pamplin Sports Center (outdoor exercise encouraged)
Any indoor social gathering designated as requiring masks
If you need a high-quality mask, KN-95s are available in Fields Dining, the Campus Safety office, in East Hall in the VPSL office, in the RA offices for each residential area. We ask that you please bring your own mask to the commencement ceremony, although we will have a limited supply at the doors. And as always, continue to practice the tried and true mitigation measures of frequent hand washing/sanitizing and social distancing.
This is the last week of the spring semester. Let’s finish healthy, strong, and safe! That said, if you do develop any symptoms, please self-isolate and contact your medical provider to determine the appropriate next step. Students should complete the SCARF in the Health Information Portal and contact the Health Service at 503-768-7165.
We look forward to celebrating our graduates and their many accomplishments this weekend.
Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students is located in East Hall on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 102
voice 503-768-7110
Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students
Dr. Evette Castillo Clark
Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219