October 18, 2021

Existentialism Book Club

Come check out our bi-weekly Existentialism book club at the Coop!

Are you riddled with angst, existential dread, and a madness in the face of the absurd? Me too! You should come talk about it, with all of us here in the Philosophy Club’s Existentialist Reading Group!

Heard of names like Camus, De Beauvoir, Sartre, Fanon, and Nietzsche? Ever wondered if they said anything of value? Come help us figure it out! You do not need to be a philosophy major or have taken a philosophy class to join us. We would prefer you be generally interested in the subject, but feel free to come if you’re apathetic. Nihilists are welcome.

We will be meeting at the Coop (below Tamarack) on Wednesday, October 20th, from 7-8 pm.

Please email philclub@lclark.edu to be sent the first reading and join our mailing list for more events!