February 22, 2021

Reimagining ASLC with the Strategic Direction Task Force

We hope to reach as many undergraduate students as possible to give input on what ASLC has/has not done in the past, and what it should be in the future. Hosted by the Strategic Direction Task Force

A few months ago, the Associated Students of Lewis & Clark (ASLC) created a Strategic Direction Taskforce (SDTF) to reevaluate and reimagine ASLC’s functions and structures. We are gathering information to inform our efforts as we recommend changes to the current ASLC leadership and design a strategic plan with recommendations for the next few years. Our goal is to ensure that ASLC better aligns itself with the needs of the community of Lewis & Clark College. We are reaching out to you because we want to reach as many students as possible with the opportunity to help redesign ASLC. Links to surveys and/or zoom meeting opportunities will be made available soon, but this is just an introductory message to gauge your interest on sending information regarding this in The Bark weekly email. If you want or need more information or would like to meet, please email me at orionwhitcher@lclark.edu, I am more than happy to make time to meet!