September 13, 2017

2017 ESA Primer Course for Forest Service Employees in Tucson

For over two decades, the environmental law program has offered several annual short courses on the Endangered Species Act for U.S. Forest Service and other agency specialists and line officers. The courses provide an overview of the ESA and important cases interpreting it, with special focus on federal agency consultation under section 7 of the ESA.

For over two decades, the Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law program has offered annual short courses on the Endangered Species Act for U.S. Forest Service and other agency specialists and line officers. The courses provide an overview of the ESA and important cases interpreting it, with special focus on federal agency consultation under section 7 of the ESA. 

The 2017 course: Working with the Endangered Species Act: A Practical Primer for Decisionmakers, Biologists, and Other Specialists was held in Tucson, AZ, with a record number of attendeees from Region 3. Prof. Dan Rohlf, Associate Dean and Director, Janice Weis, as well as Forest Service, USDA, and environmental nonprofit professionals, provided expert analysis of the legal and practical issues involved with the ESA. One of the highlights of the training was a field based discussion of management issues related to the ESA during outings to Sabino Canyon and Mt. Lemmon in the Coronado National Forest. 

The 2018 forest service training will take place in Asheville North Carolina. Lewis & Clark seeks to raise the level of awareness in the environmental, natural resources, and energy law fields, not only among our own students but among practitioners, agency personnel and the judiciary, so that everyone involved can make informed decisions in areas of critical concern. If your agency or organization could benefit from high-quality environmental law training tailored to your particular needs, contact us at