April 03, 2015

WellNotes: SH101 April

Wellness notes for April 2015

Aloha students,

Welcome back from spring break and welcome to the April edition of WellNotes.  Don’t forget to checkout this month’s issue of StudentHealth101 to learn more aboutbuilding resilience, sexual empowerment, effective study methods, and much more!

April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month.  The theme year is “It’s Time to Act. Safer Campuses. Brighter Futures. Prevent Sexual Violence.”   For more information about the national movement to support a community focus on sexual violence, visit the National Sexual Violence Resource Center SAAM 2015 pages (in English) (in Spanish).  For information about SAAM related events on campus, including Take Back The Night, contact the Feminist Student Union at fsu@lclark.edu.

L&C is committed to the prevention of sexual violence.  In order to better understand the climate and prevalence of sexual violence here on campus, we are conducting an institution-wide survey beginning next week.  Look for email invitations to participate in your in-boxes.

April can also be a stressful time in the term, as we are nearing the end.  Part of maintaining a healthy balance and managing stress is good nutrition.  New in the Trailroom, Bon Appetit is introducing in balance, offering a healthier prepared option with more balance portions.  Students can choose a combination of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.  For example you could choose plain roasted chicken breast, steamed broccoli, quinoa and a whole piece of fruit.

Be Well,

Ruby Roll & Melissa Osmond