October 07, 2014

TCK&ISLC Oxfam Hunger Banquet

World Food Day Hunger Banquet/TCK&ISLC Collaboaration
In honor of World Food Day (October 16th), the Third Culture Kids Board and International Students of Lewis and Clark will be co-hosting an Oxfam Hunger Banquet. The banquet is an interactive event where “the place you sit, and the meal that you eat, are determined by the luck of the draw-just as in real life some of us are born into relative prosperity and others into poverty” (Oxfam, 2014). 
Ten lucky individuals will be treated to a full course, luxurious meal. The banquet will be free but make sure to RSVP and reserve a place. We will only be able to accommodate 24 (updated 10/14) people.

Date: 16th October Time:5pm-6pm Place:Stamm

Sign up here: NOW FULL!
Note: This is the preliminary round of signups, we will get back to the first 24 people to confirm their place at the banquet.

For more information about Oxfam, the TCK board and the ISLC, follow the links below: