Alumni Association Board of Directors (2 positions)
Anna Niederkorn
Drew Henning
Personal Statement:
I deeply enjoy working with the alumni community. I worked for my undergraduate institution (go Iowa Hawks!) as an alumni ambassador and feel ready and tremendously excited about engaging the L&C Law alumni and current student community. After all, the strong alumni connection here at Lewis and Clark is a main reason why I transferred here. #goPios
Lewis & Clark Law has great alums. No doubt about it. I want to further strengthen alumni and current student connections by having more outreach events with alums in Portland and beyond. Go Pios!
Anna Niederkorn
Personal Statement:
I think that I would make a good Alumni Association Board of Directors representative because I have a strong interest in the long term success of the law school and Lewis & Clark as a whole. I think it is very important for a Board made up of alumni to stay in touch with the concerns of current students. I want to see the Board of Directors have realistic goals and ideas about how the school is serving both the students and the community. I think I can make a strong connection with the alumni so that will pay attention to the issues that we, as current students, are facing, as they consider their broader agenda.
My goal as Alumni Association Board of Directors representative would be to ensure strong communication between students and the board. I would present student issues and concerns to them and present their concerns to the students.
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