Registration Form

Registration and participation can only be guaranteed upon receipt of a 150 EURO deposit. Full tuition and payments must be made by July 10, 2015.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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date field
required e-mail address field
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required radio button field
I hereby submit my binding registration to the Munich Club for International Relations for the summer academy "Business German" from August 1 through August 27, 2015. The program costs total 660 EURO (610 EURO for former LMU students) and I will transfer this amount in full to the bank account of the Munich Club for International Relations by July 10, 2015.*
required radio button field
I would like to rent a student dorm room for the length of the program. The rent for this room comes to 290 EURO and I will transfer this amount in full to the bank account of the Munich Club for International Relations by July 10, 2015.*