Classics and Affiliated Program Electives

The following is a list of supplemental electives for the Classics Major and Minor: 



ART 208 Ancient Art of the Mediterranean World    



CLAS 251    History of Byzantium     
CLAS 252    Art and Archaeology of the Aegean 
CLAS 253    Attic Tragedy    
CLAS 254    Ancient Greek Myth and Religion     
CLAS 255    Sports, Games and Spectacles in the Greco-Roman World     
CLAS 266    Health and Healing in the Ancient World
CLAS 320    Greek and Roman Epic     
CLAS 324    Roman Women    
CLAS 450    Topics in Classical Studies  



ENG 309    Ancient Masterpieces and English Literature



GRK 101    Classical Greek I     
GRK 102    Classical Greek II     
GRK 201    Readings in Hellenistic and Classical Greek     
GRK 202    Advanced Readings in Classical Greek  



HIST 216    Ancient Greece     
HIST 219    Ancient Rome: From Republic to Empire  



LATN 101    Beginning Latin I     
LATN 102    Beginning Latin II     
LATN 201    Intermediate Latin I     
LATN 202    Advanced Readings in Latin



PHIL 301    Ancient Western Philosophy 
PHIL 451    Philosophical Studies: History of Philosophy (with departmental approval if topic covers Classics material.)      
PHIL 453    Philosophical Studies: Advanced Themes in Philosophy (with departmental approval if topic covers Classics material.) 


Political Science

POLS 310    Pillars of Western Political Thought: Plato to Machiavelli  


Religious Studies

RELS 224    Jewish Origins    
RELS 225    Christian Origins  
RELS 334    Lost Books of Early Judaism  
RELS 450    Seminar: Social and Religious World of Early Judaism and Christianity      



TH 281    Theatre and Society I: Classical and Medieval Drama