Chinese Minor

For complete information about minoring, see the online catalog.

A minimum of 20 semester credits (five courses) beyond CHIN 202 Intermediate Chinese II, distributed as follows:

* One course chosen from the following:

Chin 230 - Introduction to Chinese Literature in Translation or
Chin 290 - Topics in Chinese Literature in Translation

Hist 213 -    Personal Narratives in Chinese History

*A minimum of 16 credits from the following on-campus courses or approved equivalents from an overseas program:

 Chinese 251, 252 - Chinese Conversation (if two courses are taken)
Chinese 310 - Readings and Composition in Chinese
Chinese 320 - Advanced Readings in Chinese
Chinese 410 - Advanced Readings in Chinese: Society and Culture

At least one 4-semester-credit language course must be taken on campus.

Participation in an overseas program in China is highly recommended.
At least 12 semester credits must be exclusive to the minor (may not be used in any other set of major or minor requirements).