Learning Outcomes

The Mathematical Sciences Department offers three majors: a Mathematics major, a Computer Sciences major, and a hybrid Mathematics & Computer Science major.

Goals for Mathematics majors

Practice. We require that our students understand and perform mathematical symbolic manipulations, be proficient at using deductive reasoning and proofs, and be adept at using mathematical technology.
Communication. We expect mathematics majors to be able to construct mathematical proofs, and to communicate mathematically with others in both written and verbal form.
Context. We want our students to situate their practice and communication of mathematics within its larger intellectual and social context.
Passion. Finally, we hope that our students develop a passion for something mathematical.

Goals for Computer Science and Mathematics & Computer Science majors

Practice. We require that our students be able to reason about algorithms and to develop, modify, and use sophisticated systems and programming languages to solve computational problems.
Communication. We expect computer science and Math/CS majors to produce code that is clear to other programmers, produce user interfaces that are clear to regular users, and be able to communicate computational ideas verbally and in writing.
Context. We want our students to situate their practice and communication of computer science within its larger intellectual and social context.
Passion. Finally, we hope that our students develop a passion for computation and technology.