Gender Studies Symposium 2021

40th Annual Gender Studies Symposium
Lack & Absence

March 10–12, 2021
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Gender Studies Symposium! Some of this year’s events were recorded, and we have posted those recordings to our website.


The 40th Annual Gender Studies Symposium will focus on questions of absence and lack, exploring the theoretical, political, and interpersonal dimensions of these questions in terms of gender and sexuality. We invite participants to consider who or what is overlooked, hidden, excluded, silenced, or invisible, as well as what it might mean to uncover, include, illuminate, amplify, or recuperate what has been absent or lacking.

This year’s symposium asks where we can witness absences, how we might attend to them, and when they may even be desirable. What leads to absences, and what makes us see gaps as something to remedy? How have boundaries been drawn in academia, communities, or other spaces, and what happens when those boundaries are reconfigured?

Attending to absence is an act of recovery as well as a project of imagination. Join us at this year’s symposium in considering not only what has been lacking but also in exploring what it means to pursue presence.


Student co-chairs 2020-21: Kendall Arlasky ’21 and Phoenix Bruner ’21