Majoring and Minoring

For complete information about majoring and minoring, see the online catalog.

Major Requirements:

A minimum of 36 semester credits (nine courses) beyond FREN 202:

  • Required Courses: FREN 301 (French Composition and Conversation), FREN 321 (Introduction to French Literary Studies), FREN 410 (Major Periods in French Literature), FREN 450 (Special Topics—this course varies from semester to semester; recent topics include 20th-Century French History in Fiction and Film and Self Expressions)
  • Elective Courses: FREN 330 (Francophone Literature), FREN 340 (French Literature and Society), FREN 350 (Topics in French and Francophone Literature)
  • Overseas study—a minimum of one semester on the Paris, Strasbourg, or Yaounde programs. A full year of overseas study is strongly recommended.
  • Majors are required to take a senior oral proficiency evaluation.
  • An optional Honors Thesis may be completed, with faculty approval, as part of the major.  More information can be found HERE.

Minor Requirements

A minimum of 20 semester credits (five courses) beyond FREN 202:

  • Courses may be selected from the following: FREN 301 (French Composition and Conversation), FREN 321 (Introduction to French Literary Studies), FREN 330 (Francophone Literature), FREN 340 (French Literature and Society), FREN 350 (Topics in French and Francophone Literature), FREN 410 (Major Periods in French Literature), FREN 450 (Special Topics—this course varies from semester to semester; recent topics include 20th-Century French History in Fiction and Film and Self Expressions)
  • Participation in an overseas studies program is highly recommended. Students may apply 12 credits (three courses) to the minor from the Paris, Strasbourg, or Yaounde programs.


Overseas programs in French:

  • French studies majors are required to spend at least one semester studying in Strasbourg or Paris, France, or in Yaounde in Cameroon.  A full year of study is strongly recommended for majors. Nonmajors may also study in our French-language intensive programs.  The Strasbourg and Paris programs are available fall and/or spring semester; Yaounde is available in the spring semester only.  Prerequisites are junior standing, completion of French 202, and a GPA of 3.000 in French courses.