Tutoring Policies


  • Students (i.e., Tutees) may sign up for up to 2 hours of one-to-one sessions per course each week. Group tutoring does count toward the weekly 2 hours per course weekly limit. A week is defined as Sunday to Saturday. Exceptions to the limit may be considered; please contact SAAB Tutoring for approval, tutoring@lclark.edu 
  • Tutees are expected to come prepared to peer tutoring with questions and having reviewed the material. Peer tutors do not have access to the answers for assignments and are not permitted to check answers or work directly on homework.

Cancellation & Missed Appointments

  • Students must notify their peer tutor at least 24 hours prior to the start of your coordinated tutoring time.
  • Students who repeatedly miss appointments (either by not showing up or by cancelling with less than 24 hours’ notice) may lose access to participating in the tutoring program for that course for the remainder of the semester and must consult with SAAB Tutoring.

Academic Integrity 

  • Students using  SAAB Tutoring are protected under FERPA. Tutors cannot publicly acknowledge that you are a tutee’s tutor and are not able to discuss with anyone outside of SAAB Tutoring that identifies the tutee.