Getting Started in a Major or Minor

Interested in exploring certain academic programs at LC, and not sure where to start? The courses below are being offered in fall 2024. Please be sure to consult WebAdvisor for complete course descriptions, pre-requisites, class times, etc.

Students must complete one major to graduate and must declare a major after earning 45 credits (including credits earned from AP, IB, dual credit programs, or via transfer).

In addition to a major, students may select a minor. Minors are optional! 

Requirements for majors/minors are listed in the Undergraduate College Catalog.

All departments and programs offer introductory courses for first-year students to the major and minor (100-level or 200-level courses with an F).

Note: Refer to the Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) equivalency charts to see if credits may be applied to a major or minor. 

Pre-Professional Offerings