Drugs Policy

Lewis & Clark College fosters healthy and engaging learning environments that promote civic leadership.  To promote the engagement and wellness of our community, and in accordance with both federal and state laws, the College establishes the following policy on drugs.  The College prohibits the unlawful use, possession, cultivation, manufacture, promotion, or distribution of controlled substances, including cannabis, by the College of Arts and Sciences students. Distribution of controlled substances includes any method of providing another with a controlled substance, regardless of whether or not money changes hands (e.g. selling, sharing, gifting).

Paraphernalia related to controlled substances or any other items containing residue of such are prohibited on campus and will be confiscated and destroyed.

Federally approved prescription drugs are permitted for use and possession by the individual for whom they are prescribed. Use, abuse, distribution, or possession beyond these bounds is prohibited.

Amended by Executive Council: August 28, 2019