November 11, 2015

2015 Department Mock Security Council

The International Affairs department hosted a mock United Nations Security Council session with faculty and students. Each faculty represented a permanent member state and collaborated with students to determine and vote on a response to an international crisis.

The International Affairs department hosted a mock United Nations Security Council session with faculty and students. Each faculty represented a permanent member state and collaborated with students to determine and vote on a response to an international crisis.

China: Bob Mandel
Russia: Heather Smith-Cannoy
United States: Cyrus Partovi
United Kingdom: Kyle Lascurettes
France: Elizabeth Bennett

The council received news of this crisis upon arrival:

In a statement transmitted to the People’s Republic of China this morning and brought

to the United Nations Security Council this afternoon, North Korea has demanded that

all foreign (non-Korean) troops be removed from the Korean peninsula within one year

and that the Koreas be unified under a communist government within two years. If either

demand is not met within the time period stipulated, North Korea has threatened to act

against foreign troops stationed in South Korea. If at that time South Korea engages

with North Korean troops in defense of these foreign troops, North Korea promises to

retaliate against South Korea with the use of both conventional and nuclear “brute


The states were each provided with time for research and deliberation before voting to adopt the proposed agenda and craft resolutions. Ultimately two blocs emerged with proposed resolutions from China/Russia and the US/UK/France. After much deliberation and usage of their veto power, no resolutions was approved. North Korea attacked South Korea, securing all borders with foreign troops inside.

This activity did not require previous knowledge of the Security Council nor an affinity for public speaking. Students were be able to learn about this process in an educational, casual, and fun environment with their professors.

This event was hosted by the IA Department with the support of Lewis & Clark Model UN and the IA Club.