Student Theses

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A test of the utility of venom-expressed genes for resolving relationships among Haplogyne spiders by Sophia Horigan

Biogeography of the spider genus Loxosceles in the Andes of South America by Andrew Merrell

Examining species boundaries within the American Desert Southwest haplogyne spider genus Loxosceles by Marjorie Weber

Analysis of the convergent mechanism of sand adhesion in the cryptic spider genera Sicarius and Homalonychus by Rebecca Duncan

The evolutionary origin and dispersal pattern of Loxosceles rufescens (Araneae: Sicariidae) by Melody Rynerson

Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Loxosceles and Sicarius spiders (Araneae: Sicariidae): Gondwanan vicariance? by Melissa Callahan

Population structure in Wind River rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Investigating sympatric divergence with microsatellite loci by Jonny Armstrong

The evolution of sphingomyelinase D within Loxosceles venom by Kate Baldwin

Biogeography of the spider genus Loxosceles in Baja California by Chris Ellison

A molecular phylogenetic approach to understanding the evolution of sphingomyelinase D in the Loxosceles and Sicarius spider lineages by Melissa Bodner